9 Reasons Pets Make You Happier

Pet owners, especially those with cats and dogs (but fish and iguanas are great too!), benefit from bonding!
It is a fact that in the past too many scientists had discovered that pets can give a boost to physical and mental health. Of course, they can't cure heart disease or treat the effects of diabetes or replace a therapist, but studies have shown that caring for an animal can do real good.
Dogs protect against childhood eczema and asthma
As with allergies, exposure to dogs can protect you from developing skin conditions for eczema and asthma.
"Many people don't know that there can be a potential progression from eczema to asthma," says allergist Gagandeep Cheema in his study, which showed that even pregnant women can reap these benefits for their unborn children. It was discovered that a mother's exposure to dogs before the birth of a child is definitely associated with a lower risk of developing eczema at age 2.
Some pets help you deal with allergies
Being exposed to dogs and cats from a young age has been shown to reduce the risk of childhood allergies. "That's because of the germs they carry (often referred to as 'dog dust', or the hair that falls from them), which are in their owners' homes and become airborne," says Susan Lynch, Associate Professor of Medicine at University of California, in its related study.
Animals keep you moving
Many studies have proven the connection between owning a dog and physical activity. About 60% of dog owners walk their dogs an average of 160 minutes per week, with 4 walks per week. Dog owners walk more than non-dog owners.
Additionally, one study showed that dog owners who walk get 30 minutes more exercise per day than those who don't. Even cats and other pets can provide opportunities to energize you.
Pets reduce the risk of heart disease!
Can animals affect cardiorespiratory function? High cholesterol and triglyceride levels can increase the risk of heart disease, but owning a pet can lower both.
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, pets can also lower blood pressure. For those with heart problems, a pet can increase their chances of surviving a heart attack. In other words: if you have a pet, you are already less likely to die of a heart attack!
Interacting with animals can help children with autism!
A study published in the Journal of Pediatric Nursing suggests that interacting with animals has many benefits for autistic children. The head of the study focuses on the need to consider the sensitivity of each child as well as the capabilities of each family before deciding to have a pet, but 94% of those families who got a pet reported that their child became stronger and he enjoyed his contact with dogs.
Another study that included children with autism showed that those who had a pet from a young age had better social skills. In fact, even the slightest contact with an animal, such as an iguana, gives a temporary improvement in their social behavior.
Pets can boost your mental health!
Did you know that petting your cat can calm you and that watching your fish swim in its bowl can relax your muscles and get your pulse racing?
Interacting with animals has been found to lower levels of cortisol, a hormone associated with stress, while increasing feel-good hormones such as serotonin and dopamine in the brain.
According to a study by the National Institutes of Health, people recover from a stressful situation faster when they are with their pet than with a partner or friend.
Pets Can Reduce Stress in Alzheimer's Patients!
Research from the University of California, Davis concluded that Alzheimer's patients suffered less stress, had fewer anxiety symptoms and saw a reduction in their aggressive behavior if there was a dog or cat in the home.
Animals keep seniors more active
The benefits of animals go up as you age. Do you want to have opportunities for better physical condition when you are older? A long-term study in Canada showed the ability to do daily activities for those over 65 worsened for those who did not own a pet.
Although some studies have shown only a small effect between pet ownership and lifespan, a recent study has shown that a furry friend can increase life expectancy. The scientists showed that dog owners lived longer than those who did not have a pet, with a 24% reduction in the risk of dying from any cause.